Explore our library of educational articles covering a spectrum of topics. From safe sex and protection to navigating important conversations about sexual health, learn more about owning your sexual health journey.
Explore the power of PEP (Post-Exposure Prophylaxis) in safeguarding your sexual health.
Talking to a healthcare professional about your sexual health can feel intimidating.
Discover what it means to have open conversations about sexual health with your partners.
Understanding what it means to recognise and heal from sexual trauma requires compassion and a commitment.
Let’s be real – the thought of speaking to someone about your sexual health needs can feel very daunting.
Let's be real - there’s no health without mental health – talk about your feelings.
Knowing your options for protection is an important part of your journey #ForeverWena
In every relationship - or situationship - open and honest communication is essential.
Having sex should be consensual, respectful, and empowering at all times.
Reach out for help and support on one of these numbers.
PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis) is a medication that you can take to prevent you from getting HIV from sex.
Can someone who is HIV positive take PrEP?
Answer these 5 questions that can help keep things in check.
Check these signs or symptoms to protect yourself and your partners.
There are 3 major causes of STIs, do you know them?
STIs (Sexually Transmitted Infections) – like HPV, chlamydia, and HIV – can be transmitted from person to person during unprotected sex.
Sexual health does not mean having unenjoyable sex, but rather valuing and feeling good about yourself.
Sex positivity is really all about openness and a non-judgmental approach to sex, no matter your preferences.
HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is a virus that attacks the immune system.
Discover the empowering truth about HIV, viral load, and what it means to be undetectable.
This World Aids Day, support those living with HIV, get tested and choose wena!
5 ways to support this World Aids Day (and beyond!)
Explore what it means to own your agency, empower yourself, and understand consent.
Sexual health encompasses more than just physical well-being—it's about feeling empowered.
When discussing sexual health, there's a topic that is often stigmatised or goes undiscussed: masturbation.
Although masturbation is often stigmatised, it can be beneficial to your mental and physical well-being.